Module javafx.web

Class WebEvent<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the web event
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public final class WebEvent<T> extends Event
WebEvent instances are passed into EventHandlers registered with a WebEngine by JavaScript running on a Web page. An event holds a single data item of type T.
JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ANY

      public static final EventType<WebEvent> ANY
      Common supertype for all Web event types.

      public static final EventType<WebEvent> RESIZED
      This event occurs when a script changes location of the JavaScript window object.

      public static final EventType<WebEvent> STATUS_CHANGED
      This event occurs when a script changes status line text.

      public static final EventType<WebEvent> VISIBILITY_CHANGED
      This event occurs when a script changes visibility of the JavaScript window object.
    • ALERT

      public static final EventType<WebEvent> ALERT
      This event occurs when a script calls the JavaScript alert function.
  • Constructor Details

    • WebEvent

      public WebEvent(Object source, EventType<WebEvent> type, T data)
      Creates a new event object.
      source - the event source
      type - the event type
      data - the data item
  • Method Details

    • getData

      public T getData()
      Returns data item carried by this event.
      the data item
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this WebEvent object.
      toString in class EventObject
      a string representation of this WebEvent object.