Interface AudioSpectrumListener

public interface AudioSpectrumListener
Audio spectrum callback interface. The observer receives periodic updates of the audio spectrum. A single observer may be attached to a given MediaPlayer using MediaPlayer.setAudioSpectrumListener(
JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    spectrumDataUpdate(double timestamp, double duration, float[] magnitudes, float[] phases)
    Notifies the observer about new data available for the audio spectrum.
  • Method Details

    • spectrumDataUpdate

      void spectrumDataUpdate(double timestamp, double duration, float[] magnitudes, float[] phases)
      Notifies the observer about new data available for the audio spectrum.

      The notification period for updates may be set using MediaPlayer.setAudioSpectrumInterval(double), and the number of bands and sensitivity threshold via MediaPlayer.setAudioSpectrumNumBands(int) and MediaPlayer.setAudioSpectrumThreshold(int), respectively. The default values of the settings are an interval of 0.1 seconds, 128 bands, and sensitivity threshold -60.0 dB.

      The arrays passed to the listener should be considered to be read-only as the underlying implementation may re-use them.

      timestamp - timestamp of the event in seconds.
      duration - duration for which the spectrum was computed in seconds.
      magnitudes - array containing the non-positive spectrum magnitude in decibels (dB) for each band. The size of the array equals the number of bands and should be considered to be read-only.
      phases - array containing the phase in the range [Math.PIMath.PI] for each band. The size of the array equals the number of bands and should be considered to be read-only.