Class FileChooser


public final class FileChooser extends Object
Provides support for standard platform file dialogs. These dialogs have look and feel of the platform UI components which is independent of JavaFX.

On some platforms where file access may be restricted or not part of the user model (for example, on some mobile or embedded devices), opening a file dialog may always result in a no-op (that is, null file(s) being returned).

A FileChooser can be used to invoke file open dialogs for selecting single file (showOpenDialog), file open dialogs for selecting multiple files (showOpenMultipleDialog) and file save dialogs (showSaveDialog). The configuration of the displayed dialog is controlled by the values of the FileChooser properties set before the corresponding show*Dialog method is called. This configuration includes the dialog's title, the initial directory displayed in the dialog and the extension filter(s) for the listed files. For configuration properties which values haven't been set explicitly, the displayed dialog uses their platform default values. A call to a show dialog method is blocked until the user makes a choice or cancels the dialog. The return value specifies the selected file(s) or equals to null if the dialog has been canceled.


 FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
 fileChooser.setTitle("Open Resource File");
         new ExtensionFilter("Text Files", "*.txt"),
         new ExtensionFilter("Image Files", "*.png", "*.jpg", "*.gif"),
         new ExtensionFilter("Audio Files", "*.wav", "*.mp3", "*.aac"),
         new ExtensionFilter("All Files", "*.*"));
 File selectedFile = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(mainStage);
 if (selectedFile != null) {
JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FileChooser

      public FileChooser()
      Creates a FileChooser.
  • Method Details

    • setTitle

      public final void setTitle(String value)
      Sets the value of the title property.
      Property description:
      The title of the displayed file dialog.
      value - the value for the title property
      See Also:
    • getTitle

      public final String getTitle()
      Gets the value of the title property.
      Property description:
      The title of the displayed file dialog.
      the value of the title property
      See Also:
    • titleProperty

      public final StringProperty titleProperty()
      The title of the displayed file dialog.
      the title property
      See Also:
    • setInitialDirectory

      public final void setInitialDirectory(File value)
      Sets the value of the initialDirectory property.
      Property description:
      The initial directory for the displayed file dialog.
      value - the value for the initialDirectory property
      See Also:
    • getInitialDirectory

      public final File getInitialDirectory()
      Gets the value of the initialDirectory property.
      Property description:
      The initial directory for the displayed file dialog.
      the value of the initialDirectory property
      See Also:
    • initialDirectoryProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<File> initialDirectoryProperty()
      The initial directory for the displayed file dialog.
      the initialDirectory property
      See Also:
    • setInitialFileName

      public final void setInitialFileName(String value)
      Sets the value of the initialFileName property.
      Property description:
      The initial file name for the displayed dialog.

      This property is used mostly in the displayed file save dialogs as the initial file name for the file being saved. If set for a file open dialog it will have any impact on the displayed dialog only if the corresponding platform provides support for such property in its file open dialogs.

      value - the value for the initialFileName property
      JavaFX 2.2.40
      See Also:
    • getInitialFileName

      public final String getInitialFileName()
      Gets the value of the initialFileName property.
      Property description:
      The initial file name for the displayed dialog.

      This property is used mostly in the displayed file save dialogs as the initial file name for the file being saved. If set for a file open dialog it will have any impact on the displayed dialog only if the corresponding platform provides support for such property in its file open dialogs.

      the value of the initialFileName property
      JavaFX 2.2.40
      See Also:
    • initialFileNameProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<String> initialFileNameProperty()
      The initial file name for the displayed dialog.

      This property is used mostly in the displayed file save dialogs as the initial file name for the file being saved. If set for a file open dialog it will have any impact on the displayed dialog only if the corresponding platform provides support for such property in its file open dialogs.

      the initialFileName property
      JavaFX 2.2.40
      See Also:
    • getExtensionFilters

      public ObservableList<FileChooser.ExtensionFilter> getExtensionFilters()
      Gets the extension filters used in the displayed file dialog. Only one extension filter from the list is active at any time in the displayed dialog and only files which correspond to this extension filter are shown. The first extension filter from the list is activated when the dialog is invoked. Then the user can switch the active extension filter to any other extension filter from the list and in this way control the set of displayed files.
      An observable list of the extension filters used in this dialog
    • selectedExtensionFilterProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<FileChooser.ExtensionFilter> selectedExtensionFilterProperty()
      This property is used to pre-select the extension filter for the next displayed dialog and to read the user-selected extension filter from the dismissed dialog.

      When the file dialog is shown, the selectedExtensionFilter will be checked. If the value of selectedExtensionFilter is null or is not contained in the list of extension filters, then the first extension filter in the list of extension filters will be selected instead. Otherwise, the specified selectedExtensionFilter will be activated.

      After the dialog is dismissed the value of this property is updated to match the user-selected extension filter from the dialog.

      the selectedExtensionFilter property
      JavaFX 8.0
      See Also:
    • setSelectedExtensionFilter

      public final void setSelectedExtensionFilter(FileChooser.ExtensionFilter filter)
      Sets the value of the selectedExtensionFilter property.
      Property description:
      This property is used to pre-select the extension filter for the next displayed dialog and to read the user-selected extension filter from the dismissed dialog.

      When the file dialog is shown, the selectedExtensionFilter will be checked. If the value of selectedExtensionFilter is null or is not contained in the list of extension filters, then the first extension filter in the list of extension filters will be selected instead. Otherwise, the specified selectedExtensionFilter will be activated.

      After the dialog is dismissed the value of this property is updated to match the user-selected extension filter from the dialog.

      filter - the value for the selectedExtensionFilter property
      JavaFX 8.0
      See Also:
    • getSelectedExtensionFilter

      public final FileChooser.ExtensionFilter getSelectedExtensionFilter()
      Gets the value of the selectedExtensionFilter property.
      Property description:
      This property is used to pre-select the extension filter for the next displayed dialog and to read the user-selected extension filter from the dismissed dialog.

      When the file dialog is shown, the selectedExtensionFilter will be checked. If the value of selectedExtensionFilter is null or is not contained in the list of extension filters, then the first extension filter in the list of extension filters will be selected instead. Otherwise, the specified selectedExtensionFilter will be activated.

      After the dialog is dismissed the value of this property is updated to match the user-selected extension filter from the dialog.

      the value of the selectedExtensionFilter property
      JavaFX 8.0
      See Also:
    • showOpenDialog

      public File showOpenDialog(Window ownerWindow)
      Shows a new file open dialog. The method doesn't return until the displayed open dialog is dismissed. The return value specifies the file chosen by the user or null if no selection has been made. If the owner window for the file dialog is set, input to all windows in the dialog's owner chain is blocked while the file dialog is being shown.
      ownerWindow - the owner window of the displayed file dialog
      the selected file or null if no file has been selected
    • showOpenMultipleDialog

      public List<File> showOpenMultipleDialog(Window ownerWindow)
      Shows a new file open dialog in which multiple files can be selected. The method doesn't return until the displayed open dialog is dismissed. The return value specifies the files chosen by the user or null if no selection has been made. If the owner window for the file dialog is set, input to all windows in the dialog's owner chain is blocked while the file dialog is being shown.

      The returned list is unmodifiable and will throw UnsupportedOperationException on each modification attempt.

      ownerWindow - the owner window of the displayed file dialog
      the selected files or null if no file has been selected
    • showSaveDialog

      public File showSaveDialog(Window ownerWindow)
      Shows a new file save dialog. The method doesn't return until the displayed file save dialog is dismissed. The return value specifies the file chosen by the user or null if no selection has been made. If the owner window for the file dialog is set, input to all windows in the dialog's owner chain is blocked while the file dialog is being shown.
      ownerWindow - the owner window of the displayed file dialog
      the selected file or null if no file has been selected