Module javafx.base

Class SortedList<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the list element type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, List<E>, SequencedCollection<E>, Observable, ObservableList<E>

public final class SortedList<E> extends TransformationList<E,E>
Wraps an ObservableList and sorts its content. All changes in the ObservableList are propagated immediately to the SortedList. Note: invalid SortedList (as a result of broken comparison) doesn't send any notification to listeners on becoming valid again.
JavaFX 8.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SortedList

      public SortedList(ObservableList<? extends E> source, Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Creates a new SortedList wrapped around the source list. The source list will be sorted using the comparator provided. If null is provided, the list stays unordered and is equal to the source list.
      source - a list to wrap
      comparator - a comparator to use or null for unordered List
    • SortedList

      public SortedList(ObservableList<? extends E> source)
      Constructs a new unordered SortedList wrapper around the source list.
      source - the source list
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • sourceChanged

      protected void sourceChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends E> c)
      Description copied from class: TransformationList
      Called when a change from the source is triggered.
      Specified by:
      sourceChanged in class TransformationList<E,E>
      c - the change
    • comparatorProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Comparator<? super E>> comparatorProperty()
      The comparator that denotes the order of this SortedList. Null for unordered SortedList.
      the comparator property
      See Also:
    • getComparator

      public final Comparator<? super E> getComparator()
      Gets the value of the comparator property.
      Property description:
      The comparator that denotes the order of this SortedList. Null for unordered SortedList.
      the value of the comparator property
      See Also:
    • setComparator

      public final void setComparator(Comparator<? super E> comparator)
      Sets the value of the comparator property.
      Property description:
      The comparator that denotes the order of this SortedList. Null for unordered SortedList.
      comparator - the value for the comparator property
      See Also:
    • get

      public E get(int index)
      Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
      Specified by:
      get in interface List<E>
      Specified by:
      get in class AbstractList<E>
      index - index of the element to return
      the element at the specified position in this list
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of elements in this list.
      Specified by:
      size in interface Collection<E>
      Specified by:
      size in interface List<E>
      Specified by:
      size in class AbstractCollection<E>
      the number of elements in this list
    • getSourceIndex

      public int getSourceIndex(int index)
      Description copied from class: TransformationList
      Maps the index of this list's element to an index in the direct source list.
      Specified by:
      getSourceIndex in class TransformationList<E,E>
      index - the index in this list
      the index of the element's origin in the source list
      See Also:
    • getViewIndex

      public int getViewIndex(int index)
      Description copied from class: TransformationList
      Maps the index of the direct source list's element to an index in this list.
      Specified by:
      getViewIndex in class TransformationList<E,E>
      index - the index in the source list
      the index of the element in this list if it is contained in this list or negative value otherwise
      See Also: