- Type Parameters:
- The type of the objects contained within the TableView items list.
- All Implemented Interfaces:
control, with the addition of support for columns. For an
example on how to create a TableView, refer to the 'Creating a TableView'
control section below.
The TableView control has a number of features, including:
- Powerful
API:- Support for
cell factories
to easily customizecell
contents in both rendering and editing states. - Specification of
, and alsofixed width columns
. - Width resizing by the user at runtime.
- Column reordering by the user at runtime.
- Built-in support for
column nesting
- Support for
- Different
resizing policies
to dictate what happens when the user resizes columns. - Support for
multiple column sorting
by clicking the column header (hold down Shift keyboard key whilst clicking on a header to sort by multiple columns).
Note that TableView is intended to be used to visualize data - it is not
intended to be used for laying out your user interface. If you want to lay
your user interface out in a grid-like fashion, consider the
layout instead.
Creating a TableView
Creating a TableView is a multi-step process, and also depends on the
underlying data model needing to be represented. For this example we'll use
an ObservableList<Person>, as it is the simplest way of showing data in a
TableView. The Person
class will consist of a first
name and last name properties. That is:
public class Person {
private StringProperty firstName;
public void setFirstName(String value) { firstNameProperty().set(value); }
public String getFirstName() { return firstNameProperty().get(); }
public StringProperty firstNameProperty() {
if (firstName == null) firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "firstName");
return firstName;
private StringProperty lastName;
public void setLastName(String value) { lastNameProperty().set(value); }
public String getLastName() { return lastNameProperty().get(); }
public StringProperty lastNameProperty() {
if (lastName == null) lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lastName");
return lastName;
public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
The data we will use for this example is:
List<Person> members = List.of(
new Person("William", "Reed"),
new Person("James", "Michaelson"),
new Person("Julius", "Dean"));
Firstly, we need to create a data model. As mentioned, for this example, we'll be using an ObservableList<Person>:
ObservableList<Person> teamMembers = FXCollections.observableArrayList(members);
Then we create a TableView instance:
TableView<Person> table = new TableView<>();
With the items set as such, TableView will automatically update whenever
the teamMembers
list changes. If the items list is available
before the TableView is instantiated, it is possible to pass it directly into
the constructor:
TableView<Person> table = new TableView<>(teamMembers);
At this point we now have a TableView hooked up to observe the
observableList. The missing ingredient
now is the means of splitting out the data contained within the model and
representing it in one or more TableColumn
instances. To
create a two-column TableView to show the firstName and lastName properties,
we extend the last code sample as follows:
TableColumn<Person, String> firstNameCol = new TableColumn<>("First Name");
firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>(members.get(0).firstNameProperty().getName())));
TableColumn<Person, String> lastNameCol = new TableColumn<>("Last Name");
lastNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>(members.get(0).lastNameProperty().getName())));
table.getColumns().setAll(firstNameCol, lastNameCol);

With the code shown above we have fully defined the minimum properties required to create a TableView instance. Running this code will result in the TableView being shown with two columns for firstName and lastName. Any other properties of the Person class will not be shown, as no TableColumns are defined.
TableView support for classes that don't contain properties
The code shown above is the shortest possible code for creating a TableView
when the domain objects are designed with JavaFX properties in mind
(additionally, PropertyValueFactory
normal JavaBean properties too, although there is a caveat to this, so refer
to the class documentation for more information). When this is not the case,
it is necessary to provide a custom cell value factory. More information
about cell value factories can be found in the TableColumn
documentation, but briefly, here is how a TableColumn could be specified:
firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<Person, String> p) {
// p.getValue() returns the Person instance for a particular TableView row
return p.getValue().firstNameProperty();
// or with a lambda expression:
firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(p -> p.getValue().firstNameProperty());
TableView Selection / Focus APIs
To track selection and focus, it is necessary to become familiar with the
and FocusModel
classes. A TableView has at most
one instance of each of these classes, available from
properties respectively.
Whilst it is possible to use this API to set a new selection model, in
most circumstances this is not necessary - the default selection and focus
models should work in most circumstances.
The default SelectionModel
used when instantiating a TableView is
an implementation of the MultipleSelectionModel
abstract class.
However, as noted in the API documentation for
the selectionMode
property, the default value is SelectionMode.SINGLE
. To enable
multiple selection in a default TableView instance, it is therefore necessary
to do the following:
Customizing TableView Visuals
The visuals of the TableView can be entirely customized by replacing the
default row factory
. A row factory is used to
generate TableRow
instances, which are used to represent an entire
row in the TableView.
In many cases, this is not what is desired however, as it is more commonly
the case that cells be customized on a per-column basis, not a per-row basis.
It is therefore important to note that a TableRow
is not a
. A TableRow
is simply a container for zero or more
, and in most circumstances it is more likely that you'll
want to create custom TableCells, rather than TableRows. The primary use case
for creating custom TableRow instances would most probably be to introduce
some form of column spanning support.
You can create custom TableCell
instances per column by assigning
the appropriate function to the TableColumn
cell factory
See the Cell
class documentation for a more complete
description of how to write custom Cells.
Warning: Nodes should not be inserted directly into the TableView cells
allows for it's cells to contain elements of any type, including
instances. Putting nodes into
the TableView cells is strongly discouraged, as it can
lead to unexpected results.
Important points to note:
- Avoid inserting
instances directly into theTableView
cells or its data model. - The recommended approach is to put the relevant information into the items list, and
provide a custom
cell factory
to create the nodes for a given cell and update them on demand using the data stored in the item for that cell. - Avoid creating new
s in theupdateItem
method of a customcell factory
The following minimal example shows how to create a custom cell factory for TableView
containing Node
class CustomColor {
private SimpleObjectProperty<Color> color;
CustomColor(Color col) {
this.color = new SimpleObjectProperty<Color>(col);
public Color getColor() { return color.getValue(); }
public void setColor(Color c) { color.setValue(c); }
public SimpleObjectProperty<Color> colorProperty() { return color; }
TableView<CustomColor> tableview = new TableView<CustomColor>();
ObservableList<CustomColor> colorList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
new CustomColor(Color.RED),
new CustomColor(Color.GREEN),
new CustomColor(Color.BLUE));
TableColumn<CustomColor, Color> col = new TableColumn<CustomColor, Color>("Color");
col.setCellValueFactory(data -> data.getValue().colorProperty());
col.setCellFactory(p -> {
return new TableCell<CustomColor, Color> () {
private final Rectangle rectangle;
rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 10);
protected void updateItem(Color item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
This example has an anonymous custom TableCell
class in the custom cell factory.
Note that the Rectangle
) object needs to be created in the instance initialization block
or the constructor of the custom TableCell
class and updated/used in its updateItem
Prior to JavaFX 8.0, the TableView control would treat the
list as the view model, meaning that any changes to
the list would be immediately reflected visually. TableView would also modify
the order of this list directly when a user initiated a sort. This meant that
(again, prior to JavaFX 8.0) it was not possible to have the TableView return
to an unsorted state (after iterating through ascending and descending
Starting with JavaFX 8.0 (and the introduction of SortedList
), it
is now possible to have the collection return to the unsorted state when
there are no columns as part of the TableView
sort order
. To do this, you must create a SortedList
instance, and bind its
property to the TableView comparator
list so:
// create a SortedList based on the provided ObservableList
SortedList sortedList = new SortedList(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3));
// create a TableView with the sorted list set as the items it will show
final TableView<Integer> tableView = new TableView<>(sortedList);
// bind the sortedList comparator to the TableView comparator
// Don't forget to define columns!
This control supports inline editing of values, and this section attempts to give an overview of the available APIs and how you should use them.
Firstly, cell editing most commonly requires a different user interface
than when a cell is not being edited. This is the responsibility of the
implementation being used. For TableView, it is highly
recommended that editing be
rather than per row
, as more often than not
you want users to edit each column value differently, and this approach allows
for editors specific to each column. It is your choice whether the cell is
permanently in an editing state (e.g. this is common for CheckBox
or to switch to a different UI when editing begins (e.g. when a double-click
is received on a cell).
To know when editing has been requested on a cell,
simply override the Cell.startEdit()
method, and
update the cell text
properties as
appropriate (e.g. set the text to null and set the graphic to be a
). Additionally, you should also override
to reset the UI back to its original visual state
when the editing concludes. In both cases it is important that you also
ensure that you call the super method to have the cell perform all duties it
must do to enter or exit its editing mode.
Once your cell is in an editing state, the next thing you are most probably
interested in is how to commit or cancel the editing that is taking place. This is your
responsibility as the cell factory provider. Your cell implementation will know
when the editing is over, based on the user input (e.g. when the user presses
the Enter or ESC keys on their keyboard). When this happens, it is your
responsibility to call Cell.commitEdit(Object)
, as appropriate.
When you call Cell.commitEdit(Object)
an event is fired to the
TableView, which you can observe by adding an EventHandler
. Similarly,
you can also observe edit events for
edit start
and edit cancel
By default the TableColumn edit commit handler is non-null, with a default
handler that attempts to overwrite the property value for the
item in the currently-being-edited row. It is able to do this as the
method is passed in the new value, and this
is passed along to the edit commit handler via the
that is
fired. It is simply a matter of calling
retrieve this value.
It is very important to note that if you call
with your own
, then you will be removing the default handler. Unless
you then handle the writeback to the property (or the relevant data source),
nothing will happen. You can work around this by using the
EventTarget.addEventHandler(javafx.event.EventType, javafx.event.EventHandler)
method to add a TableColumn.editCommitEvent()
your desired EventHandler
as the second argument. Using this method,
you will not replace the default implementation, but you will be notified when
an edit commit has occurred.
Hopefully this summary answers some of the commonly asked questions. Fortunately, JavaFX ships with a number of pre-built cell factories that handle all the editing requirements on your behalf. You can find these pre-built cell factories in the javafx.scene.control.cell package.
- Since:
- JavaFX 2.0
- See Also:
Property Summary
PropertiesTypePropertyDescriptionCalled when the user completes a column-resize operation.final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Comparator<S>>
The comparator property is a read-only property that is representative of the current state of thesort order
list.final BooleanProperty
Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TablePosition<S,
?>> Represents the current cell being edited, or null if there is no cell being edited.final DoubleProperty
Specifies whether this control has cells that are a fixed height (of the specified value).Represents the currently-installedTableView.TableViewFocusModel
for this TableView.final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>>
The underlying data model for the TableView.Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingscrollToColumn(TableColumn)
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingscrollTo(int)
Called when there's a request to sort the control.final ObjectProperty<Node>
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show.A function which produces a TableRow.The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user.final ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView<S>,
Boolean>> The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed.final BooleanProperty
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table.Properties declared in class javafx.scene.control.Control
contextMenu, skin, tooltip
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
background, border, cacheShape, centerShape, height, insets, maxHeight, maxWidth, minHeight, minWidth, opaqueInsets, padding, prefHeight, prefWidth, scaleShape, shape, snapToPixel, width
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.Parent
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelp, accessibleRoleDescription, accessibleRole, accessibleText, blendMode, boundsInLocal, boundsInParent, cacheHint, cache, clip, cursor, depthTest, disabled, disable, effectiveNodeOrientation, effect, eventDispatcher, focused, focusTraversable, focusVisible, focusWithin, hover, id, inputMethodRequests, layoutBounds, layoutX, layoutY, localToParentTransform, localToSceneTransform, managed, mouseTransparent, nodeOrientation, onContextMenuRequested, onDragDetected, onDragDone, onDragDropped, onDragEntered, onDragExited, onDragOver, onInputMethodTextChanged, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onKeyTyped, onMouseClicked, onMouseDragEntered, onMouseDragExited, onMouseDragged, onMouseDragOver, onMouseDragReleased, onMouseEntered, onMouseExited, onMouseMoved, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased, onRotate, onRotationFinished, onRotationStarted, onScrollFinished, onScroll, onScrollStarted, onSwipeDown, onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight, onSwipeUp, onTouchMoved, onTouchPressed, onTouchReleased, onTouchStationary, onZoomFinished, onZoom, onZoomStarted, opacity, parent, pickOnBounds, pressed, rotate, rotationAxis, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, scene, style, translateX, translateY, translateZ, viewOrder, visible
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
An immutable wrapper class for use in the TableViewcolumn resize
functionality.static class
with additional functionality to support the requirements of a TableView control.static class
A simple extension of theSelectionModel
abstract class to allow for special support for TableView controls. -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> Deprecated.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts other columns in order to fit the table width.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts columns, starting with the last one, in order to fit the table width.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts columns, starting with the next one, in order to fit the table width.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts the last column in order to fit the table width.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts the next column in order to fit the table width.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> A resize policy that adjusts subsequent columns in order to fit the table width.The defaultsort policy
that this TableView will use if no other policy is specified.static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,
Boolean> Very simple resize policy that just resizes the specified column by the provided delta and shifts all other columns (to the right of the given column) further to the right (when the delta is positive) or to the left (when the delta is negative).Fields declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
Fields declared in class javafx.scene.Node
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates a default TableView control with no content.TableView
(ObservableList<S> items) Creates a TableView with the content provided in the items ObservableList. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCalled when the user completes a column-resize operation.final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Comparator<S>>
The comparator property is a read-only property that is representative of the current state of thesort order
(int row, TableColumn<S, ?> column) Causes the cell at the given row/column view indexes to switch into its editing state, if it is not already in it, and assuming that the TableView and column are also editable.final BooleanProperty
Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TablePosition<S,
?>> Represents the current cell being edited, or null if there is no cell being edited.final DoubleProperty
Specifies whether this control has cells that are a fixed height (of the specified value).Represents the currently-installedTableView.TableViewFocusModel
for this TableView.static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,
?>> Gets theCssMetaData
associated with this class, which may include theCssMetaData
of its superclasses.Gets the value of thecolumnResizePolicy
property.final ObservableList<TableColumn<S,
?>> The TableColumns that are part of this TableView.final Comparator<S>
Gets the value of thecomparator
property.List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,
?>> Gets the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties.final TablePosition<S,
?> Gets the value of theeditingCell
property.final double
Returns the fixed cell size value.final TableView.TableViewFocusModel<S>
Gets the value of thefocusModel
property.final ObservableList<S>
Gets the value of theitems
property.Gets the value of theonScrollTo
property.Gets the value of theonScrollToColumn
property.Gets the value of theonSort
property.final Node
Gets the value of theplaceholder
property.Gets the value of therowFactory
property.Gets the value of theselectionModel
property.final ObservableList<TableColumn<S,
?>> The sortOrder list defines the order in whichTableColumn
instances are sorted.Gets the value of thesortPolicy
?> getVisibleLeafColumn
(int column) Returns the TableColumn in the given column index, relative to all other visible leaf columns.Returns an unmodifiable list containing the currently visible leaf columns.int
(TableColumn<S, ?> column) Returns the position of the given column, relative to all other visible leaf columns.final boolean
Gets the value of theeditable
property.final boolean
Gets the value of thetableMenuButtonVisible
property.final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>>
The underlying data model for the TableView.Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingscrollToColumn(TableColumn)
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingscrollTo(int)
Called when there's a request to sort the control.final ObjectProperty<Node>
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show.void
forces the TableView control to recreate and repopulate the cells necessary to populate the visual bounds of the control.boolean
(TableColumn<S, ?> column, double delta) Applies the currently installed resize policy against the given column, resizing it based on the delta value provided.A function which produces a TableRow.void
(int index) Scrolls the TableView so that the given index is visible within the viewport.void
Scrolls the TableView so that the given object is visible within the viewport.void
(TableColumn<S, ?> column) Scrolls the TableView so that the given column is visible within the viewport.void
(int columnIndex) Scrolls the TableView so that the given index is visible within the viewport.The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user.final void
Sets the value of thecolumnResizePolicy
property.final void
(boolean value) Sets the value of theeditable
property.final void
(double value) Sets the new fixed cell size for this control.final void
Sets the value of thefocusModel
property.final void
(ObservableList<S> value) Sets the value of theitems
(EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<Integer>> value) Sets the value of theonScrollTo
(EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<TableColumn<S, ?>>> value) Sets the value of theonScrollToColumn
(EventHandler<SortEvent<TableView<S>>> value) Sets the value of theonSort
property.final void
(Node value) Sets the value of theplaceholder
property.final void
Sets the value of therowFactory
property.final void
Sets the value of theselectionModel
property.final void
(Callback<TableView<S>, Boolean> callback) Sets the value of thesortPolicy
property.final void
(boolean value) Sets the value of thetableMenuButtonVisible
The sort method forces the TableView to re-run its sorting algorithm.final ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView<S>,
Boolean>> The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed.final BooleanProperty
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table.Methods declared in class javafx.scene.control.Control
computeMaxHeight, computeMaxWidth, computeMinHeight, computeMinWidth, contextMenuProperty, createDefaultSkin, getContextMenu, getCssMetaData, getInitialFocusTraversable, getSkin, getTooltip, isResizable, setContextMenu, setSkin, setTooltip, skinProperty, tooltipProperty
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
backgroundProperty, borderProperty, cacheShapeProperty, centerShapeProperty, computePrefHeight, computePrefWidth, getBackground, getBorder, getHeight, getInsets, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getOpaqueInsets, getPadding, getPrefHeight, getPrefWidth, getShape, getUserAgentStylesheet, getWidth, heightProperty, insetsProperty, isCacheShape, isCenterShape, isScaleShape, isSnapToPixel, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, maxHeight, maxHeightProperty, maxWidth, maxWidthProperty, minHeight, minHeightProperty, minWidth, minWidthProperty, opaqueInsetsProperty, paddingProperty, positionInArea, positionInArea, prefHeight, prefHeightProperty, prefWidth, prefWidthProperty, resize, scaleShapeProperty, setBackground, setBorder, setCacheShape, setCenterShape, setHeight, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setOpaqueInsets, setPadding, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setScaleShape, setShape, setSnapToPixel, setWidth, shapeProperty, snappedBottomInset, snappedLeftInset, snappedRightInset, snappedTopInset, snapPosition, snapPositionX, snapPositionY, snapSize, snapSizeX, snapSizeY, snapSpace, snapSpaceX, snapSpaceY, snapToPixelProperty, widthProperty
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.Parent
getBaselineOffset, getChildren, getChildrenUnmodifiable, getManagedChildren, getStylesheets, isNeedsLayout, layout, layoutChildren, needsLayoutProperty, requestLayout, requestParentLayout, setNeedsLayout, updateBounds
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelpProperty, accessibleRoleDescriptionProperty, accessibleRoleProperty, accessibleTextProperty, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, applyCss, autosize, blendModeProperty, boundsInLocalProperty, boundsInParentProperty, buildEventDispatchChain, cacheHintProperty, cacheProperty, clipProperty, computeAreaInScreen, contains, contains, cursorProperty, depthTestProperty, disabledProperty, disableProperty, effectiveNodeOrientationProperty, effectProperty, eventDispatcherProperty, executeAccessibleAction, fireEvent, focusedProperty, focusTraversableProperty, focusVisibleProperty, focusWithinProperty, getAccessibleHelp, getAccessibleRole, getAccessibleRoleDescription, getAccessibleText, getBlendMode, getBoundsInLocal, getBoundsInParent, getCacheHint, getClip, getContentBias, getCursor, getDepthTest, getEffect, getEffectiveNodeOrientation, getEventDispatcher, getId, getInitialCursor, getInputMethodRequests, getLayoutBounds, getLayoutX, getLayoutY, getLocalToParentTransform, getLocalToSceneTransform, getNodeOrientation, getOnContextMenuRequested, getOnDragDetected, getOnDragDone, getOnDragDropped, getOnDragEntered, getOnDragExited, getOnDragOver, getOnInputMethodTextChanged, getOnKeyPressed, getOnKeyReleased, getOnKeyTyped, getOnMouseClicked, getOnMouseDragEntered, getOnMouseDragExited, getOnMouseDragged, getOnMouseDragOver, getOnMouseDragReleased, getOnMouseEntered, getOnMouseExited, getOnMouseMoved, getOnMousePressed, getOnMouseReleased, getOnRotate, getOnRotationFinished, getOnRotationStarted, getOnScroll, getOnScrollFinished, getOnScrollStarted, getOnSwipeDown, getOnSwipeLeft, getOnSwipeRight, getOnSwipeUp, getOnTouchMoved, getOnTouchPressed, getOnTouchReleased, getOnTouchStationary, getOnZoom, getOnZoomFinished, getOnZoomStarted, getOpacity, getParent, getProperties, getPseudoClassStates, getRotate, getRotationAxis, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScaleZ, getScene, getStyle, getStyleableParent, getStyleClass, getTransforms, getTranslateX, getTranslateY, getTranslateZ, getTypeSelector, getUserData, getViewOrder, hasProperties, hoverProperty, idProperty, inputMethodRequestsProperty, intersects, intersects, isCache, isDisable, isDisabled, isFocused, isFocusTraversable, isFocusVisible, isFocusWithin, isHover, isManaged, isMouseTransparent, isPickOnBounds, isPressed, isVisible, layoutBoundsProperty, layoutXProperty, layoutYProperty, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParentTransformProperty, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToSceneTransformProperty, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, lookup, lookupAll, managedProperty, mouseTransparentProperty, nodeOrientationProperty, notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged, onContextMenuRequestedProperty, onDragDetectedProperty, onDragDoneProperty, onDragDroppedProperty, onDragEnteredProperty, onDragExitedProperty, onDragOverProperty, onInputMethodTextChangedProperty, onKeyPressedProperty, onKeyReleasedProperty, onKeyTypedProperty, onMouseClickedProperty, onMouseDragEnteredProperty, onMouseDragExitedProperty, onMouseDraggedProperty, onMouseDragOverProperty, onMouseDragReleasedProperty, onMouseEnteredProperty, onMouseExitedProperty, onMouseMovedProperty, onMousePressedProperty, onMouseReleasedProperty, onRotateProperty, onRotationFinishedProperty, onRotationStartedProperty, onScrollFinishedProperty, onScrollProperty, onScrollStartedProperty, onSwipeDownProperty, onSwipeLeftProperty, onSwipeRightProperty, onSwipeUpProperty, onTouchMovedProperty, onTouchPressedProperty, onTouchReleasedProperty, onTouchStationaryProperty, onZoomFinishedProperty, onZoomProperty, onZoomStartedProperty, opacityProperty, parentProperty, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, pickOnBoundsProperty, pressedProperty, pseudoClassStateChanged, queryAccessibleAttribute, relocate, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, requestFocus, resizeRelocate, rotateProperty, rotationAxisProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, scaleZProperty, sceneProperty, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, setAccessibleHelp, setAccessibleRole, setAccessibleRoleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBlendMode, setCache, setCacheHint, setClip, setCursor, setDepthTest, setDisable, setDisabled, setEffect, setEventDispatcher, setEventHandler, setFocused, setFocusTraversable, setHover, setId, setInputMethodRequests, setLayoutX, setLayoutY, setManaged, setMouseTransparent, setNodeOrientation, setOnContextMenuRequested, setOnDragDetected, setOnDragDone, setOnDragDropped, setOnDragEntered, setOnDragExited, setOnDragOver, setOnInputMethodTextChanged, setOnKeyPressed, setOnKeyReleased, setOnKeyTyped, setOnMouseClicked, setOnMouseDragEntered, setOnMouseDragExited, setOnMouseDragged, setOnMouseDragOver, setOnMouseDragReleased, setOnMouseEntered, setOnMouseExited, setOnMouseMoved, setOnMousePressed, setOnMouseReleased, setOnRotate, setOnRotationFinished, setOnRotationStarted, setOnScroll, setOnScrollFinished, setOnScrollStarted, setOnSwipeDown, setOnSwipeLeft, setOnSwipeRight, setOnSwipeUp, setOnTouchMoved, setOnTouchPressed, setOnTouchReleased, setOnTouchStationary, setOnZoom, setOnZoomFinished, setOnZoomStarted, setOpacity, setPickOnBounds, setPressed, setRotate, setRotationAxis, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScaleZ, setStyle, setTranslateX, setTranslateY, setTranslateZ, setUserData, setViewOrder, setVisible, snapshot, snapshot, startDragAndDrop, startFullDrag, styleProperty, toBack, toFront, toString, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, translateZProperty, usesMirroring, viewOrderProperty, visibleProperty
Methods declared in class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods declared in interface javafx.css.Styleable
Property Details
The underlying data model for the TableView. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself. -
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table. This menu allows for the user to show and hide all TableColumns easily. -
Called when the user completes a column-resize operation. The two most common policies are available as static functions in the TableView class:UNCONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY
. -
A function which produces a TableRow. The system is responsible for reusing TableRows. Return from this function a TableRow which might be usable for representing a single row in a TableView.Note that a TableRow is not a TableCell. A TableRow is simply a container for a TableCell, and in most circumstances it is more likely that you'll want to create custom TableCells, rather than TableRows. The primary use case for creating custom TableRow instances would most probably be to introduce some form of column spanning support.
You can create custom TableCell instances per column by assigning the appropriate function to the cellFactory property in the TableColumn class.
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show. This may be the case because the table model has no data in the first place, that a filter has been applied to the table model, resulting in there being nothing to show the user, or that there are no currently visible columns. -
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself. -
Represents the currently-installedTableView.TableViewFocusModel
for this TableView. Under almost all circumstances leaving this as the default focus model will suffice. -
Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state. -
Specifies whether this control has cells that are a fixed height (of the specified value). If this value is less than or equal to zero, then all cells are individually sized and positioned. This is a slow operation. Therefore, when performance matters and developers are not dependent on variable cell sizes it is a good idea to set the fixed cell size value. Generally cells are around 24px, so setting a fixed cell size of 24 is likely to result in very little difference in visuals, but a improvement to performance.To set this property via CSS, use the -fx-fixed-cell-size property. This should not be confused with the -fx-cell-size property. The difference between these two CSS properties is that -fx-cell-size will size all cells to the specified size, but it will not enforce that this is the only size (thus allowing for variable cell sizes, and preventing the performance gains from being possible). Therefore, when performance matters use -fx-fixed-cell-size, instead of -fx-cell-size. If both properties are specified in CSS, -fx-fixed-cell-size takes precedence.
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Represents the current cell being edited, or null if there is no cell being edited.- See Also:
The comparator property is a read-only property that is representative of the current state of thesort order
list. The sort order list contains the columns that have been added to it either programmatically or via a user clicking on the headers themselves.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed. For example, a basic sort policy may just callFXCollections.sort(tableView.getItems())
, whereas a more advanced sort policy may call to a database to perform the necessary sorting on the server-side.TableView ships with a
default sort policy
that does precisely as mentioned above: it simply attempts to sort the items list in-place.It is recommended that rather than override the
method that a different sort policy be provided instead.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to sort the control.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingscrollTo(int)
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingscrollToColumn(TableColumn)
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Field Details
Very simple resize policy that just resizes the specified column by the provided delta and shifts all other columns (to the right of the given column) further to the right (when the delta is positive) or to the left (when the delta is negative).
It also handles the case where we have nested columns by sharing the new space, or subtracting the removed space, evenly between all immediate children columns. Of course, the immediate children may themselves be nested, and they would then use this policy on their children.
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_ALL_COLUMNSA resize policy that adjusts other columns in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, proportionately resizes all columns to preserve the total width.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_LAST_COLUMNA resize policy that adjusts the last column in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, resizes the last column only to preserve the total width.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_NEXT_COLUMNA resize policy that adjusts the next column in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, resizes the next column the opposite way.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNSA resize policy that adjusts subsequent columns in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, proportionally resizes subsequent columns to preserve the total width.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_FLEX_NEXT_COLUMNA resize policy that adjusts columns, starting with the next one, in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, resizes the next column to preserve the total width. When the next column cannot be further resized due to a constraint, the following column gets resized, and so on.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_FLEX_LAST_COLUMNA resize policy that adjusts columns, starting with the last one, in order to fit the table width. During UI adjustment, resizes the last column to preserve the total width. When the last column cannot be further resized due to a constraint, the column preceding the last one gets resized, and so on.When column constraints make it impossible to fit all the columns into the allowed area, the columns are either clipped, or an empty space appears. This policy disables the horizontal scroll bar.
- Since:
- 20
@Deprecated(since="20") public static final Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICYDeprecated.UseCONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY_FLEX_LAST_COLUMN
instead.Simple policy that ensures the width of all visible leaf columns in this table sum up to equal the width of the table itself.
When the user resizes a column width with this policy, the table automatically adjusts the width of the right hand side columns. When the user increases a column width, the table decreases the width of the rightmost column until it reaches its minimum width. Then it decreases the width of the second rightmost column until it reaches minimum width and so on. When all right hand side columns reach minimum size, the user cannot increase the size of resized column any more.
The defaultsort policy
that this TableView will use if no other policy is specified. The sort policy is a simpleCallback
that accepts a TableView as the sole argument and expects a Boolean response representing whether the sort succeeded or not. A Boolean response of true represents success, and a response of false (or null) will be considered to represent failure.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Constructor Details
public TableView()Creates a default TableView control with no content.Refer to the
class documentation for details on the default state of other properties. -
Creates a TableView with the content provided in the items ObservableList. This also sets up an observer such that any changes to the items list will be immediately reflected in the TableView itself.Refer to the
class documentation for details on the default state of other properties.- Parameters:
- The items to insert into the TableView, and the list to watch for changes (to automatically show in the TableView).
Method Details
The underlying data model for the TableView. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.- Returns:
- the items property
- See Also:
Sets the value of theitems
property.- Property description:
- The underlying data model for the TableView. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.
- Parameters:
- the value for theitems
property- See Also:
Gets the value of theitems
property.- Property description:
- The underlying data model for the TableView. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table. This menu allows for the user to show and hide all TableColumns easily.- Returns:
- the tableMenuButtonVisible property
- See Also:
public final void setTableMenuButtonVisible(boolean value) Sets the value of thetableMenuButtonVisible
property.- Property description:
- This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table. This menu allows for the user to show and hide all TableColumns easily.
- Parameters:
- the value for thetableMenuButtonVisible
property- See Also:
public final boolean isTableMenuButtonVisible()Gets the value of thetableMenuButtonVisible
property.- Property description:
- This controls whether a menu button is available when the user clicks in a designated space within the TableView, within which is a radio menu item for each TableColumn in this table. This menu allows for the user to show and hide all TableColumns easily.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
Sets the value of thecolumnResizePolicy
property.- Property description:
- Called when the user completes a column-resize operation. The two most common
policies are available as static functions in the TableView class:
. - Parameters:
- the value for thecolumnResizePolicy
property- See Also:
Gets the value of thecolumnResizePolicy
property.- Property description:
- Called when the user completes a column-resize operation. The two most common
policies are available as static functions in the TableView class:
. - Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
public final ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean>> columnResizePolicyProperty()Called when the user completes a column-resize operation. The two most common policies are available as static functions in the TableView class:UNCONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY
.- Returns:
- columnResizePolicy property
- See Also:
A function which produces a TableRow. The system is responsible for reusing TableRows. Return from this function a TableRow which might be usable for representing a single row in a TableView.Note that a TableRow is not a TableCell. A TableRow is simply a container for a TableCell, and in most circumstances it is more likely that you'll want to create custom TableCells, rather than TableRows. The primary use case for creating custom TableRow instances would most probably be to introduce some form of column spanning support.
You can create custom TableCell instances per column by assigning the appropriate function to the cellFactory property in the TableColumn class.
- Returns:
- rowFactory property
- See Also:
Sets the value of therowFactory
property.- Property description:
- A function which produces a TableRow. The system is responsible for
reusing TableRows. Return from this function a TableRow which
might be usable for representing a single row in a TableView.
Note that a TableRow is not a TableCell. A TableRow is simply a container for a TableCell, and in most circumstances it is more likely that you'll want to create custom TableCells, rather than TableRows. The primary use case for creating custom TableRow instances would most probably be to introduce some form of column spanning support.
You can create custom TableCell instances per column by assigning the appropriate function to the cellFactory property in the TableColumn class.
- Parameters:
- the value for therowFactory
property- See Also:
Gets the value of therowFactory
property.- Property description:
- A function which produces a TableRow. The system is responsible for
reusing TableRows. Return from this function a TableRow which
might be usable for representing a single row in a TableView.
Note that a TableRow is not a TableCell. A TableRow is simply a container for a TableCell, and in most circumstances it is more likely that you'll want to create custom TableCells, rather than TableRows. The primary use case for creating custom TableRow instances would most probably be to introduce some form of column spanning support.
You can create custom TableCell instances per column by assigning the appropriate function to the cellFactory property in the TableColumn class.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show. This may be the case because the table model has no data in the first place, that a filter has been applied to the table model, resulting in there being nothing to show the user, or that there are no currently visible columns.- Returns:
- placeholder property
- See Also:
Sets the value of theplaceholder
property.- Property description:
- This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show. This may be the case because the table model has no data in the first place, that a filter has been applied to the table model, resulting in there being nothing to show the user, or that there are no currently visible columns.
- Parameters:
- the value for theplaceholder
property- See Also:
Gets the value of theplaceholder
property.- Property description:
- This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to show. This may be the case because the table model has no data in the first place, that a filter has been applied to the table model, resulting in there being nothing to show the user, or that there are no currently visible columns.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.- Returns:
- selectionModel property
- See Also:
Sets the value of theselectionModel
property.- Property description:
- The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.
- Parameters:
- the value for theselectionModel
property- See Also:
Gets the value of theselectionModel
property.- Property description:
- The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user. Note that it has a generic type that must match the type of the TableView itself.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
Sets the value of thefocusModel
property.- Property description:
- Represents the currently-installed
for this TableView. Under almost all circumstances leaving this as the default focus model will suffice. - Parameters:
- the value for thefocusModel
property- See Also:
Gets the value of thefocusModel
property.- Property description:
- Represents the currently-installed
for this TableView. Under almost all circumstances leaving this as the default focus model will suffice. - Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
Represents the currently-installedTableView.TableViewFocusModel
for this TableView. Under almost all circumstances leaving this as the default focus model will suffice.- Returns:
- focusModel property
- See Also:
public final void setEditable(boolean value) Sets the value of theeditable
property.- Property description:
- Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.
- Parameters:
- the value for theeditable
property- See Also:
public final boolean isEditable()Gets the value of theeditable
property.- Property description:
- Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
Specifies whether this TableView is editable - only if the TableView, the TableColumn (if applicable) and the TableCells within it are both editable will a TableCell be able to go into their editing state.- Returns:
- the editable property
- See Also:
public final void setFixedCellSize(double value) Sets the new fixed cell size for this control. Any value greater than zero will enable fixed cell size mode, whereas a zero or negative value (or Region.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) will be used to disabled fixed cell size mode.- Parameters:
- The new fixed cell size value, or a value less than or equal to zero (or Region.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) to disable.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
public final double getFixedCellSize()Returns the fixed cell size value. A value less than or equal to zero is used to represent that fixed cell size mode is disabled, and a value greater than zero represents the size of all cells in this control.- Returns:
- A double representing the fixed cell size of this control, or a value less than or equal to zero if fixed cell size mode is disabled.
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Specifies whether this control has cells that are a fixed height (of the specified value). If this value is less than or equal to zero, then all cells are individually sized and positioned. This is a slow operation. Therefore, when performance matters and developers are not dependent on variable cell sizes it is a good idea to set the fixed cell size value. Generally cells are around 24px, so setting a fixed cell size of 24 is likely to result in very little difference in visuals, but a improvement to performance.To set this property via CSS, use the -fx-fixed-cell-size property. This should not be confused with the -fx-cell-size property. The difference between these two CSS properties is that -fx-cell-size will size all cells to the specified size, but it will not enforce that this is the only size (thus allowing for variable cell sizes, and preventing the performance gains from being possible). Therefore, when performance matters use -fx-fixed-cell-size, instead of -fx-cell-size. If both properties are specified in CSS, -fx-fixed-cell-size takes precedence.
- Returns:
- fixedCellSize property
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Gets the value of theeditingCell
property.- Property description:
- Represents the current cell being edited, or null if there is no cell being edited.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - See Also:
Represents the current cell being edited, or null if there is no cell being edited.- Returns:
- the editingCell property
- See Also:
Gets the value of thecomparator
property.- Property description:
- The comparator property is a read-only property that is representative of the
current state of the
sort order
list. The sort order list contains the columns that have been added to it either programmatically or via a user clicking on the headers themselves. - Returns:
- the value of the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
The comparator property is a read-only property that is representative of the current state of thesort order
list. The sort order list contains the columns that have been added to it either programmatically or via a user clicking on the headers themselves.- Returns:
- the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Sets the value of thesortPolicy
property.- Property description:
- The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed.
For example, a basic sort policy may just call
, whereas a more advanced sort policy may call to a database to perform the necessary sorting on the server-side.TableView ships with a
default sort policy
that does precisely as mentioned above: it simply attempts to sort the items list in-place.It is recommended that rather than override the
method that a different sort policy be provided instead. - Parameters:
- the value for thesortPolicy
property- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Gets the value of thesortPolicy
property.- Property description:
- The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed.
For example, a basic sort policy may just call
, whereas a more advanced sort policy may call to a database to perform the necessary sorting on the server-side.TableView ships with a
default sort policy
that does precisely as mentioned above: it simply attempts to sort the items list in-place.It is recommended that rather than override the
method that a different sort policy be provided instead. - Returns:
- the value of the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed. For example, a basic sort policy may just callFXCollections.sort(tableView.getItems())
, whereas a more advanced sort policy may call to a database to perform the necessary sorting on the server-side.TableView ships with a
default sort policy
that does precisely as mentioned above: it simply attempts to sort the items list in-place.It is recommended that rather than override the
method that a different sort policy be provided instead.- Returns:
- the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Sets the value of theonSort
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to sort the control.
- Parameters:
- the value for theonSort
property- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Gets the value of theonSort
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to sort the control.
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to sort the control.- Returns:
- the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
The TableColumns that are part of this TableView. As the user reorders the TableView columns, this list will be updated to reflect the current visual ordering.Note: to display any data in a TableView, there must be at least one TableColumn in this ObservableList.
- Returns:
- the columns
The sortOrder list defines the order in whichTableColumn
instances are sorted. An empty sortOrder list means that no sorting is being applied on the TableView. If the sortOrder list has one TableColumn within it, the TableView will be sorted using thesortType
properties of this TableColumn (assumingTableColumn.sortable
is true). If the sortOrder list contains multiple TableColumn instances, then the TableView is firstly sorted based on the properties of the first TableColumn. If two elements are considered equal, then the second TableColumn in the list is used to determine ordering. This repeats until the results from all TableColumn comparators are considered, if necessary.- Returns:
- An ObservableList containing zero or more TableColumn instances.
public void scrollTo(int index) Scrolls the TableView so that the given index is visible within the viewport.- Parameters:
- The index of an item that should be visible to the user.
Scrolls the TableView so that the given object is visible within the viewport.- Parameters:
- The object that should be visible to the user.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Sets the value of theonScrollTo
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view using
- Parameters:
- the value for theonScrollTo
property- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Gets the value of theonScrollTo
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view using
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingscrollTo(int)
- Returns:
- the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Scrolls the TableView so that the given column is visible within the viewport.- Parameters:
- The column that should be visible to the user.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
public void scrollToColumnIndex(int columnIndex) Scrolls the TableView so that the given index is visible within the viewport.- Parameters:
- The index of a column that should be visible to the user.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Sets the value of theonScrollToColumn
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view using
- Parameters:
- the value for theonScrollToColumn
property- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Gets the value of theonScrollToColumn
property.- Property description:
- Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view using
- Returns:
- the value of the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingscrollToColumn(TableColumn)
- Returns:
- the
property - Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
- See Also:
Applies the currently installed resize policy against the given column, resizing it based on the delta value provided.- Parameters:
- the columndelta
- the delta- Returns:
- true if column resize is allowed
Causes the cell at the given row/column view indexes to switch into its editing state, if it is not already in it, and assuming that the TableView and column are also editable.Note: This method will cancel editing if the given row value is less than zero and the given column is null.
- Parameters:
- the rowcolumn
- the column
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the currently visible leaf columns.- Returns:
- an unmodifiable list containing the currently visible leaf columns
Returns the position of the given column, relative to all other visible leaf columns.- Parameters:
- the column- Returns:
- the position of the given column, relative to all other visible leaf columns
Returns the TableColumn in the given column index, relative to all other visible leaf columns.- Parameters:
- the column- Returns:
- the TableColumn in the given column index, relative to all other visible leaf columns
public void sort()The sort method forces the TableView to re-run its sorting algorithm. More often than not it is not necessary to call this method directly, as it is automatically called when thesort order
,sort policy
, or the state of the TableColumnsort type
properties change. In other words, this method should only be called directly when something external changes and a sort is required.- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
public void refresh()Callingrefresh()
forces the TableView control to recreate and repopulate the cells necessary to populate the visual bounds of the control. In other words, this forces the TableView to update what it is showing to the user. This is useful in cases where the underlying data source has changed in a way that is not observed by the TableView itself.- Since:
- JavaFX 8u60
Gets theCssMetaData
associated with this class, which may include theCssMetaData
of its superclasses.- Returns:
- the
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Gets the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties.- Overrides:
in classControl
- Returns:
- the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0