Module javafx.web

Class WebHistory


public final class WebHistory extends Object
The WebHistory class represents a session history associated with a WebEngine instance. A single instance of WebHistory for a particular web engine can be obtained through the WebEngine.getHistory() method. The history is basically a list of entries. Each entry represents a visited page and it provides access to relevant page info, such as URL, title, and the date the page was last visited. Entries in the list are arranged in the order in which the corresponding pages were visited from oldest to newest. The list can be obtained by using the getEntries() method. The history and the corresponding list of entries change as WebEngine navigates across the web. The list may expand or shrink depending on browser actions. These changes can be listened to by the ObservableList API that the list exposes. The index of the history entry associated with the currently visited page is represented by the currentIndexProperty(). The current index can be used to navigate to any entry in the history by using the go(int) method. The maxSizeProperty() sets the maximum history size, which is the size of the history list.
JavaFX 2.2
  • Property Details

    • currentIndex

      public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty currentIndexProperty
      Defines the index of the current Entry in the history. The current entry is the entry associated with the currently loaded page. The index belongs to the range of (index >= 0 && index < getEntries().size()).
      See Also:
    • maxSize

      public IntegerProperty maxSizeProperty
      Defines the maximum size of the history list. If the list reaches its maximum and a new entry is added, the first entry is removed from the history.

      The value specified for this property can not be negative, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

      Default value:
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • currentIndexProperty

      public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty currentIndexProperty()
      Defines the index of the current Entry in the history. The current entry is the entry associated with the currently loaded page. The index belongs to the range of (index >= 0 && index < getEntries().size()).
      See Also:
    • getCurrentIndex

      public int getCurrentIndex()
      Gets the value of the property currentIndex.
      Property description:
      Defines the index of the current Entry in the history. The current entry is the entry associated with the currently loaded page. The index belongs to the range of (index >= 0 && index < getEntries().size()).
    • maxSizeProperty

      public IntegerProperty maxSizeProperty()
      Defines the maximum size of the history list. If the list reaches its maximum and a new entry is added, the first entry is removed from the history.

      The value specified for this property can not be negative, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setMaxSize

      public void setMaxSize(int value)
      Sets the value of the property maxSize.
      Property description:
      Defines the maximum size of the history list. If the list reaches its maximum and a new entry is added, the first entry is removed from the history.

      The value specified for this property can not be negative, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

      Default value:
    • getMaxSize

      public int getMaxSize()
      Gets the value of the property maxSize.
      Property description:
      Defines the maximum size of the history list. If the list reaches its maximum and a new entry is added, the first entry is removed from the history.

      The value specified for this property can not be negative, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

      Default value:
    • getEntries

      public ObservableList<WebHistory.Entry> getEntries()
      Returns an unmodifiable observable list of all entries in the history.
      list of all history entries
    • go

      public void go(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Navigates the web engine to the URL defined by the Entry object within the specified position relative to the current entry. A negative offset value specifies the position preceding to the current entry, and a positive offset value specifies the position following the current entry. For example, -1 points to the previous entry, and 1 points to the next entry, corresponding to pressing a web browser's 'back' and 'forward' buttons, respectively. The zero offset value is silently ignored (no-op). The effective entry position should belong to the rage of [0..size-1]. Otherwise, IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
      offset - a negative value specifies a position preceding the current entry, a positive value specifies a position following the current entry, zero value causes no effect
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the effective entry position is out of range