- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class CheckBox extends ButtonBase
- checked: indeterminate == false, checked == true
- unchecked: indeterminate == false, checked == false
- undefined: indeterminate == true
A CheckBox is unchecked if selected is false and indeterminate is false.
A CheckBox is undefined if indeterminate is true, regardless of the state of selected. A typical rendering would be with a minus or dash, to indicate an undefined or indeterminate state of the CheckBox. This is convenient for constructing tri-state checkbox based trees, for example, where undefined check boxes typically mean "inherit settings from the parent".
The allowIndeterminate variable, if true, allows the user to cycle through the undefined state. If false, the CheckBox is not in the indeterminate state, and the user is allowed to change only the checked state.
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox("a checkbox");

MnemonicParsing is enabled by default for CheckBox.
- Since:
- JavaFX 2.0
Property Summary
Properties Type Property Description BooleanProperty
Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through all three states: checked, unchecked, and undefined.BooleanProperty
Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.BooleanProperty
Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.ButtonBase
armed, onAction
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Labeled
alignment, contentDisplay, ellipsisString, font, graphic, graphicTextGap, labelPadding, lineSpacing, mnemonicParsing, textAlignment, textFill, textOverrun, text, underline, wrapText
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Control
contextMenu, skin, tooltip
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.layout.Region
background, border, cacheShape, centerShape, height, insets, maxHeight, maxWidth, minHeight, minWidth, opaqueInsets, padding, prefHeight, prefWidth, scaleShape, shape, snapToPixel, width
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.Parent
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelp, accessibleRoleDescription, accessibleRole, accessibleText, blendMode, boundsInLocal, boundsInParent, cacheHint, cache, clip, cursor, depthTest, disabled, disable, effectiveNodeOrientation, effect, eventDispatcher, focused, focusTraversable, hover, id, inputMethodRequests, layoutBounds, layoutX, layoutY, localToParentTransform, localToSceneTransform, managed, mouseTransparent, nodeOrientation, onContextMenuRequested, onDragDetected, onDragDone, onDragDropped, onDragEntered, onDragExited, onDragOver, onInputMethodTextChanged, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onKeyTyped, onMouseClicked, onMouseDragEntered, onMouseDragExited, onMouseDragged, onMouseDragOver, onMouseDragReleased, onMouseEntered, onMouseExited, onMouseMoved, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased, onRotate, onRotationFinished, onRotationStarted, onScrollFinished, onScroll, onScrollStarted, onSwipeDown, onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight, onSwipeUp, onTouchMoved, onTouchPressed, onTouchReleased, onTouchStationary, onZoomFinished, onZoom, onZoomStarted, opacity, parent, pickOnBounds, pressed, rotate, rotationAxis, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, scene, style, translateX, translateY, translateZ, viewOrder, visible
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javafx.scene.layout.Region
Fields inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description BooleanProperty
Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through all three states: checked, unchecked, and undefined.protected Skin<?>
Create a new instance of the default skin for this control.void
Toggles the state of theCheckBox
Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.boolean
Gets the value of the property allowIndeterminate.boolean
Gets the value of the property indeterminate.boolean
Gets the value of the property selected.Object
queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters)
This method is called by the assistive technology to request the value for an attribute.BooleanProperty
Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.void
setAllowIndeterminate(boolean value)
Sets the value of the property allowIndeterminate.void
setIndeterminate(boolean value)
Sets the value of the property indeterminate.void
setSelected(boolean value)
Sets the value of the property selected.Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.ButtonBase
arm, armedProperty, disarm, executeAccessibleAction, getOnAction, isArmed, onActionProperty, setOnAction
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Labeled
alignmentProperty, contentDisplayProperty, ellipsisStringProperty, fontProperty, getAlignment, getClassCssMetaData, getContentBias, getContentDisplay, getControlCssMetaData, getEllipsisString, getFont, getGraphic, getGraphicTextGap, getInitialAlignment, getLabelPadding, getLineSpacing, getText, getTextAlignment, getTextFill, getTextOverrun, graphicProperty, graphicTextGapProperty, isMnemonicParsing, isUnderline, isWrapText, labelPaddingProperty, lineSpacingProperty, mnemonicParsingProperty, setAlignment, setContentDisplay, setEllipsisString, setFont, setGraphic, setGraphicTextGap, setLineSpacing, setMnemonicParsing, setText, setTextAlignment, setTextFill, setTextOverrun, setUnderline, setWrapText, textAlignmentProperty, textFillProperty, textOverrunProperty, textProperty, toString, underlineProperty, wrapTextProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.Control
computeMaxHeight, computeMaxWidth, computeMinHeight, computeMinWidth, computePrefHeight, computePrefWidth, contextMenuProperty, getBaselineOffset, getContextMenu, getCssMetaData, getInitialFocusTraversable, getSkin, getTooltip, isResizable, layoutChildren, setContextMenu, setSkin, setTooltip, skinProperty, tooltipProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.layout.Region
backgroundProperty, borderProperty, cacheShapeProperty, centerShapeProperty, getBackground, getBorder, getHeight, getInsets, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getOpaqueInsets, getPadding, getPrefHeight, getPrefWidth, getShape, getUserAgentStylesheet, getWidth, heightProperty, insetsProperty, isCacheShape, isCenterShape, isScaleShape, isSnapToPixel, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, maxHeight, maxHeightProperty, maxWidth, maxWidthProperty, minHeight, minHeightProperty, minWidth, minWidthProperty, opaqueInsetsProperty, paddingProperty, positionInArea, positionInArea, prefHeight, prefHeightProperty, prefWidth, prefWidthProperty, resize, scaleShapeProperty, setBackground, setBorder, setCacheShape, setCenterShape, setHeight, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setOpaqueInsets, setPadding, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setScaleShape, setShape, setSnapToPixel, setWidth, shapeProperty, snappedBottomInset, snappedLeftInset, snappedRightInset, snappedTopInset, snapPosition, snapPositionX, snapPositionY, snapSize, snapSizeX, snapSizeY, snapSpace, snapSpaceX, snapSpaceY, snapToPixelProperty, widthProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.Parent
getChildren, getChildrenUnmodifiable, getManagedChildren, getStylesheets, isNeedsLayout, layout, lookup, needsLayoutProperty, requestLayout, requestParentLayout, setNeedsLayout, updateBounds
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelpProperty, accessibleRoleDescriptionProperty, accessibleRoleProperty, accessibleTextProperty, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, applyCss, autosize, blendModeProperty, boundsInLocalProperty, boundsInParentProperty, buildEventDispatchChain, cacheHintProperty, cacheProperty, clipProperty, computeAreaInScreen, contains, contains, cursorProperty, depthTestProperty, disabledProperty, disableProperty, effectiveNodeOrientationProperty, effectProperty, eventDispatcherProperty, fireEvent, focusedProperty, focusTraversableProperty, getAccessibleHelp, getAccessibleRole, getAccessibleRoleDescription, getAccessibleText, getBlendMode, getBoundsInLocal, getBoundsInParent, getCacheHint, getClip, getCursor, getDepthTest, getEffect, getEffectiveNodeOrientation, getEventDispatcher, getId, getInitialCursor, getInputMethodRequests, getLayoutBounds, getLayoutX, getLayoutY, getLocalToParentTransform, getLocalToSceneTransform, getNodeOrientation, getOnContextMenuRequested, getOnDragDetected, getOnDragDone, getOnDragDropped, getOnDragEntered, getOnDragExited, getOnDragOver, getOnInputMethodTextChanged, getOnKeyPressed, getOnKeyReleased, getOnKeyTyped, getOnMouseClicked, getOnMouseDragEntered, getOnMouseDragExited, getOnMouseDragged, getOnMouseDragOver, getOnMouseDragReleased, getOnMouseEntered, getOnMouseExited, getOnMouseMoved, getOnMousePressed, getOnMouseReleased, getOnRotate, getOnRotationFinished, getOnRotationStarted, getOnScroll, getOnScrollFinished, getOnScrollStarted, getOnSwipeDown, getOnSwipeLeft, getOnSwipeRight, getOnSwipeUp, getOnTouchMoved, getOnTouchPressed, getOnTouchReleased, getOnTouchStationary, getOnZoom, getOnZoomFinished, getOnZoomStarted, getOpacity, getParent, getProperties, getPseudoClassStates, getRotate, getRotationAxis, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScaleZ, getScene, getStyle, getStyleableParent, getStyleClass, getTransforms, getTranslateX, getTranslateY, getTranslateZ, getTypeSelector, getUserData, getViewOrder, hasProperties, hoverProperty, idProperty, inputMethodRequestsProperty, intersects, intersects, isCache, isDisable, isDisabled, isFocused, isFocusTraversable, isHover, isManaged, isMouseTransparent, isPickOnBounds, isPressed, isVisible, layoutBoundsProperty, layoutXProperty, layoutYProperty, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParentTransformProperty, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToSceneTransformProperty, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, lookupAll, managedProperty, mouseTransparentProperty, nodeOrientationProperty, notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged, onContextMenuRequestedProperty, onDragDetectedProperty, onDragDoneProperty, onDragDroppedProperty, onDragEnteredProperty, onDragExitedProperty, onDragOverProperty, onInputMethodTextChangedProperty, onKeyPressedProperty, onKeyReleasedProperty, onKeyTypedProperty, onMouseClickedProperty, onMouseDragEnteredProperty, onMouseDragExitedProperty, onMouseDraggedProperty, onMouseDragOverProperty, onMouseDragReleasedProperty, onMouseEnteredProperty, onMouseExitedProperty, onMouseMovedProperty, onMousePressedProperty, onMouseReleasedProperty, onRotateProperty, onRotationFinishedProperty, onRotationStartedProperty, onScrollFinishedProperty, onScrollProperty, onScrollStartedProperty, onSwipeDownProperty, onSwipeLeftProperty, onSwipeRightProperty, onSwipeUpProperty, onTouchMovedProperty, onTouchPressedProperty, onTouchReleasedProperty, onTouchStationaryProperty, onZoomFinishedProperty, onZoomProperty, onZoomStartedProperty, opacityProperty, parentProperty, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, pickOnBoundsProperty, pressedProperty, pseudoClassStateChanged, relocate, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, requestFocus, resizeRelocate, rotateProperty, rotationAxisProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, scaleZProperty, sceneProperty, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, setAccessibleHelp, setAccessibleRole, setAccessibleRoleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBlendMode, setCache, setCacheHint, setClip, setCursor, setDepthTest, setDisable, setDisabled, setEffect, setEventDispatcher, setEventHandler, setFocused, setFocusTraversable, setHover, setId, setInputMethodRequests, setLayoutX, setLayoutY, setManaged, setMouseTransparent, setNodeOrientation, setOnContextMenuRequested, setOnDragDetected, setOnDragDone, setOnDragDropped, setOnDragEntered, setOnDragExited, setOnDragOver, setOnInputMethodTextChanged, setOnKeyPressed, setOnKeyReleased, setOnKeyTyped, setOnMouseClicked, setOnMouseDragEntered, setOnMouseDragExited, setOnMouseDragged, setOnMouseDragOver, setOnMouseDragReleased, setOnMouseEntered, setOnMouseExited, setOnMouseMoved, setOnMousePressed, setOnMouseReleased, setOnRotate, setOnRotationFinished, setOnRotationStarted, setOnScroll, setOnScrollFinished, setOnScrollStarted, setOnSwipeDown, setOnSwipeLeft, setOnSwipeRight, setOnSwipeUp, setOnTouchMoved, setOnTouchPressed, setOnTouchReleased, setOnTouchStationary, setOnZoom, setOnZoomFinished, setOnZoomStarted, setOpacity, setPickOnBounds, setPressed, setRotate, setRotationAxis, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScaleZ, setStyle, setTranslateX, setTranslateY, setTranslateZ, setUserData, setViewOrder, setVisible, snapshot, snapshot, startDragAndDrop, startFullDrag, styleProperty, toBack, toFront, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, translateZProperty, usesMirroring, viewOrderProperty, visibleProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javafx.css.Styleable
Property Details
Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.- See Also:
Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.- See Also:
Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through all three states: checked, unchecked, and undefined. Iftrue
then all three states will be cycled through; iffalse
then only checked and unchecked will be cycled.
Constructor Details
public CheckBox()Creates a check box with an empty string for its label. -
Creates a check box with the specified text as its label.- Parameters:
- A text string for its label.
Method Details
public final void setIndeterminate(boolean value)Sets the value of the property indeterminate.- Property description:
- Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.
public final boolean isIndeterminate()Gets the value of the property indeterminate.- Property description:
- Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.
Determines whether the CheckBox is in the indeterminate state.- See Also:
public final void setSelected(boolean value)Sets the value of the property selected.- Property description:
- Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.
public final boolean isSelected()Gets the value of the property selected.- Property description:
- Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.
Indicates whether this CheckBox is checked.- See Also:
public final void setAllowIndeterminate(boolean value)Sets the value of the property allowIndeterminate.- Property description:
- Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through
all three states: checked, unchecked, and
undefined. If
then all three states will be cycled through; iffalse
then only checked and unchecked will be cycled.
public final boolean isAllowIndeterminate()Gets the value of the property allowIndeterminate.- Property description:
- Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through
all three states: checked, unchecked, and
undefined. If
then all three states will be cycled through; iffalse
then only checked and unchecked will be cycled.
Determines whether the user toggling the CheckBox should cycle through all three states: checked, unchecked, and undefined. Iftrue
then all three states will be cycled through; iffalse
then only checked and unchecked will be cycled. -
public void fire()Toggles the state of theCheckBox
. If allowIndeterminate is true, then each invocation of this function will advance the CheckBox through the states checked, unchecked, and undefined. If allowIndeterminate is false, then the CheckBox will only cycle through the checked and unchecked states, and forcing indeterminate to equal to false.- Specified by:
in classButtonBase
Create a new instance of the default skin for this control. This is called to create a skin for the control if no skin is provided via CSS-fx-skin
or set explicitly in a sub-class withsetSkin(...)
.- Overrides:
in classControl
- Returns:
- new instance of default skin for this control. If null then the control will have no skin unless one is provided by css.
This method is called by the assistive technology to request the value for an attribute.This method is commonly overridden by subclasses to implement attributes that are required for a specific role.
If a particular attribute is not handled, the superclass implementation must be called.- Overrides:
in classControl
- Parameters:
- the requested attributeparameters
- optional list of parameters- Returns:
- the value for the requested attribute
- See Also: