Uses of Class

Packages that use Point2D
Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.
Provides the core set of base classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.
The package is where the skin classes, typically one for each UI control, are located
Provides the set of classes for mouse and keyboard input event handling.
Provides API for simulating user interaction such as typing keys on the keyboard and using the mouse.
Provides the set of classes for fonts and renderable Text Node.
Provides the set of convenient classes to perform rotating, scaling, shearing, and translation transformations for Affine objects.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.geometry

    Fields in javafx.geometry declared as Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    static final Point2D
    Point or vector with both coordinates set to 0.
    Methods in javafx.geometry that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Point2D.add(double x, double y)
    Returns a point with the specified coordinates added to the coordinates of this point.
    Point2D.add(Point2D point)
    Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point added to the coordinates of this point.
    Point2D.interpolate(Point2D endValue, double t)
    The function calculates an interpolated value along the fraction t between 0.0 and 1.0.
    Point2D.midpoint(double x, double y)
    Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified coordinates.
    Point2D.midpoint(Point2D point)
    Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified point.
    Point2D.multiply(double factor)
    Returns a point with the coordinates of this point multiplied by the specified factor
    Normalizes the relative magnitude vector represented by this instance.
    Point2D.subtract(double x, double y)
    Returns a point with the specified coordinates subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
    Point2D.subtract(Point2D point)
    Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
    Methods in javafx.geometry with parameters of type Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Point2D.add(Point2D point)
    Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point added to the coordinates of this point.
    Point2D.angle(Point2D point)
    Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the vector represented by the specified point.
    Point2D.angle(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
    Computes the angle (in degrees) between the three points with this point as a vertex.
    BoundingBox.contains(Point2D p)
    Tests if the specified point is inside the boundary of Bounds.
    abstract boolean
    Bounds.contains(Point2D p)
    Tests if the specified point is inside the boundary of Bounds.
    Rectangle2D.contains(Point2D p)
    Tests if the specified point is inside the boundary of Rectangle2D.
    Point2D.crossProduct(Point2D vector)
    Computes cross product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
    Point2D.distance(Point2D point)
    Computes the distance between this point and the specified point.
    Point2D.dotProduct(Point2D vector)
    Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
    Point2D.interpolate(Point2D endValue, double t)
    The function calculates an interpolated value along the fraction t between 0.0 and 1.0.
    Point2D.midpoint(Point2D point)
    Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified point.
    Point2D.subtract(Point2D point)
    Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.scene

    Methods in javafx.scene that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Node.localToParent(double localX, double localY)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.
    Node.localToParent(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.
    Node.localToScene(double localX, double localY)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScene(double x, double y, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScene(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScene(Point2D localPoint, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScreen(double localX, double localY)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Screen.
    Node.localToScreen(double localX, double localY, double localZ)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Screen.
    Node.localToScreen(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Screen.
    Node.localToScreen(Point3D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Screen.
    Node.parentToLocal(double parentX, double parentY)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.parentToLocal(Point2D parentPoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(double sceneX, double sceneY)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(double x, double y, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(Point2D scenePoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(Point2D point, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.screenToLocal(double screenX, double screenY)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Screen into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.screenToLocal(Point2D screenPoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Screen into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Methods in javafx.scene with parameters of type Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Node.contains(Point2D localPoint)
    Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.
    Node.localToParent(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.
    Node.localToScene(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScene(Point2D localPoint, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its scene.
    Node.localToScreen(Point2D localPoint)
    Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its Screen.
    Node.parentToLocal(Point2D parentPoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(Point2D scenePoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.sceneToLocal(Point2D point, boolean rootScene)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.
    Node.screenToLocal(Point2D screenPoint)
    Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Screen into the local coordinate space of this Node.
  • Uses of Point2D in

    Methods in that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Returns the position to be used for a context menu, based on the location of the caret handle or selection handles.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.scene.input

    Methods in javafx.scene.input that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    final Point2D
    Return the intersected texture coordinates of the picked 3d shape.
    InputMethodRequests.getTextLocation(int offset)
    Gets the location of a specified offset in the current composed text, or of the selection in committed text.
    Constructors in javafx.scene.input with parameters of type Point2D
    PickResult(Node node, Point3D point, double distance, int face, Point2D texCoord)
    Creates a new instance of PickResult.
    PickResult(Node node, Point3D point, double distance, int face, Point3D normal, Point2D texCoord)
    Creates a new instance of PickResult.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.scene.robot

    Methods in javafx.scene.robot that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current mouse (x,y) screen coordinates as a Point2D.
    Methods in javafx.scene.robot with parameters of type Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Robot.getPixelColor(Point2D location)
    Returns the Color of the pixel at the screen coordinates relative to the primary screen specified by location.
    final void
    Robot.mouseMove(Point2D location)
    Moves the mouse to the (x,y) screen coordinates, relative to the primary screen, specified by the given location.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.scene.text

    Methods in javafx.scene.text with parameters of type Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    final HitInfo
    Text.hitTest(Point2D point)
    Maps local point to HitInfo in the content.
    final HitInfo
    TextFlow.hitTest(Point2D point)
    Maps local point to HitInfo in the content.
  • Uses of Point2D in javafx.scene.transform

    Methods in javafx.scene.transform that return Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Transform.deltaTransform(double x, double y)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector by this transform.
    Transform.deltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector represented by the specified Point2D instance by this transform.
    Rotate.inverseDeltaTransform(double x, double y)
    Transform.inverseDeltaTransform(double x, double y)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector by the inverse of this transform.
    Transform.inverseDeltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector represented by the specified Point2D instance by the inverse of this transform.
    Translate.inverseDeltaTransform(double x, double y)
    Translate.inverseDeltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Rotate.inverseTransform(double x, double y)
    Transform.inverseTransform(double x, double y)
    Transforms the specified point by the inverse of this transform.
    Transform.inverseTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the specified point by the inverse of this transform.
    Translate.inverseTransform(double x, double y)
    Transform.transform(double x, double y)
    Transforms the specified point by this transform.
    Transform.transform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the specified point by this transform.
    Methods in javafx.scene.transform with parameters of type Point2D
    Modifier and Type
    Affine.appendRotation(double angle, Point2D pivot)
    Appends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance.
    Affine.appendScale(double sx, double sy, Point2D pivot)
    Appends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance.
    Affine.appendShear(double shx, double shy, Point2D pivot)
    Appends the shear with pivot to this instance.
    Transform.deltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector represented by the specified Point2D instance by this transform.
    Transform.inverseDeltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the relative magnitude vector represented by the specified Point2D instance by the inverse of this transform.
    Translate.inverseDeltaTransform(Point2D point)
    Transform.inverseTransform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the specified point by the inverse of this transform.
    Affine.prependRotation(double angle, Point2D pivot)
    Prepends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance.
    Affine.prependScale(double sx, double sy, Point2D pivot)
    Prepends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance.
    Affine.prependShear(double shx, double shy, Point2D pivot)
    Prepends the shear with pivot to this instance.
    Transform.transform(Point2D point)
    Transforms the specified point by this transform.