- All Implemented Interfaces:
Either a horizontal or vertical bar with increment and decrement buttons and
a "thumb" with which the user can interact. Typically not used alone but used
for building up more complicated controls such as the ScrollPane and ListView.

ScrollBar sets focusTraversable to false.
This example creates a vertical ScrollBar:
ScrollBar s1 = new ScrollBar();

- Since:
- JavaFX 2.0
Property Summary
PropertiesTypePropertyDescriptionfinal DoubleProperty
The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is DoubleProperty
The maximum value represented by thisScrollBar
.final DoubleProperty
The minimum value represented by thisScrollBar
.final ObjectProperty<Orientation>
final DoubleProperty
final DoubleProperty
The current value represented by thisScrollBar
.final DoubleProperty
Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.Properties declared in class javafx.scene.control.Control
contextMenu, skin, tooltip
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
background, border, cacheShape, centerShape, height, insets, maxHeight, maxWidth, minHeight, minWidth, opaqueInsets, padding, prefHeight, prefWidth, scaleShape, shape, snapToPixel, width
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.Parent
Properties declared in class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelp, accessibleRoleDescription, accessibleRole, accessibleText, blendMode, boundsInLocal, boundsInParent, cacheHint, cache, clip, cursor, depthTest, disabled, disable, effectiveNodeOrientation, effect, eventDispatcher, focused, focusTraversable, hover, id, inputMethodRequests, layoutBounds, layoutX, layoutY, localToParentTransform, localToSceneTransform, managed, mouseTransparent, nodeOrientation, onContextMenuRequested, onDragDetected, onDragDone, onDragDropped, onDragEntered, onDragExited, onDragOver, onInputMethodTextChanged, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onKeyTyped, onMouseClicked, onMouseDragEntered, onMouseDragExited, onMouseDragged, onMouseDragOver, onMouseDragReleased, onMouseEntered, onMouseExited, onMouseMoved, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased, onRotate, onRotationFinished, onRotationStarted, onScrollFinished, onScroll, onScrollStarted, onSwipeDown, onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight, onSwipeUp, onTouchMoved, onTouchPressed, onTouchReleased, onTouchStationary, onZoomFinished, onZoom, onZoomStarted, opacity, parent, pickOnBounds, pressed, rotate, rotationAxis, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, scene, style, translateX, translateY, translateZ, viewOrder, visible
Field Summary
Fields declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
Fields declared in class javafx.scene.Node
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates a new horizontal ScrollBar (ie getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL). -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(double position) Adjusts thevalue
property byblockIncrement
.final DoubleProperty
The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is clicked.void
Decrements the value of theScrollBar
by theunitIncrement
final double
Gets the value of the property blockIncrement.static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,
?>> Gets theCssMetaData
associated with this class, which may include theCssMetaData
of its superclasses.List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,
?>> Gets the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties.protected Boolean
Returns the initial focus traversable state of this control, for use by the JavaFX CSS engine to correctly set its initial double
Gets the value of the property double
Gets the value of the property Orientation
Gets the value of the property double
Gets the value of the property double
Gets the value of the property double
Gets the value of the property visibleAmount.void
Increments the value of theScrollBar
by theunitIncrement
final DoubleProperty
The maximum value represented by thisScrollBar
.final DoubleProperty
The minimum value represented by thisScrollBar
.final ObjectProperty<Orientation>
final void
(double value) Sets the value of the property void
(double value) Sets the value of the property void
(double value) Sets the value of the property void
(Orientation value) Sets the value of the property void
(double value) Sets the value of the property void
(double value) Sets the value of the property void
(double value) Sets the value of the property DoubleProperty
final DoubleProperty
The current value represented by thisScrollBar
.final DoubleProperty
Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.Methods declared in class javafx.scene.control.Control
computeMaxHeight, computeMaxWidth, computeMinHeight, computeMinWidth, contextMenuProperty, createDefaultSkin, getContextMenu, getCssMetaData, getSkin, getTooltip, isResizable, setContextMenu, setSkin, setTooltip, skinProperty, tooltipProperty
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.layout.Region
backgroundProperty, borderProperty, cacheShapeProperty, centerShapeProperty, computePrefHeight, computePrefWidth, getBackground, getBorder, getHeight, getInsets, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getOpaqueInsets, getPadding, getPrefHeight, getPrefWidth, getShape, getUserAgentStylesheet, getWidth, heightProperty, insetsProperty, isCacheShape, isCenterShape, isScaleShape, isSnapToPixel, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, layoutInArea, maxHeight, maxHeightProperty, maxWidth, maxWidthProperty, minHeight, minHeightProperty, minWidth, minWidthProperty, opaqueInsetsProperty, paddingProperty, positionInArea, positionInArea, prefHeight, prefHeightProperty, prefWidth, prefWidthProperty, resize, scaleShapeProperty, setBackground, setBorder, setCacheShape, setCenterShape, setHeight, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setOpaqueInsets, setPadding, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setScaleShape, setShape, setSnapToPixel, setWidth, shapeProperty, snappedBottomInset, snappedLeftInset, snappedRightInset, snappedTopInset, snapPosition, snapPositionX, snapPositionY, snapSize, snapSizeX, snapSizeY, snapSpace, snapSpaceX, snapSpaceY, snapToPixelProperty, widthProperty
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.Parent
getBaselineOffset, getChildren, getChildrenUnmodifiable, getManagedChildren, getStylesheets, isNeedsLayout, layout, layoutChildren, needsLayoutProperty, requestLayout, requestParentLayout, setNeedsLayout, updateBounds
Methods declared in class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelpProperty, accessibleRoleDescriptionProperty, accessibleRoleProperty, accessibleTextProperty, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, applyCss, autosize, blendModeProperty, boundsInLocalProperty, boundsInParentProperty, buildEventDispatchChain, cacheHintProperty, cacheProperty, clipProperty, computeAreaInScreen, contains, contains, cursorProperty, depthTestProperty, disabledProperty, disableProperty, effectiveNodeOrientationProperty, effectProperty, eventDispatcherProperty, executeAccessibleAction, fireEvent, focusedProperty, focusTraversableProperty, getAccessibleHelp, getAccessibleRole, getAccessibleRoleDescription, getAccessibleText, getBlendMode, getBoundsInLocal, getBoundsInParent, getCacheHint, getClip, getContentBias, getCursor, getDepthTest, getEffect, getEffectiveNodeOrientation, getEventDispatcher, getId, getInitialCursor, getInputMethodRequests, getLayoutBounds, getLayoutX, getLayoutY, getLocalToParentTransform, getLocalToSceneTransform, getNodeOrientation, getOnContextMenuRequested, getOnDragDetected, getOnDragDone, getOnDragDropped, getOnDragEntered, getOnDragExited, getOnDragOver, getOnInputMethodTextChanged, getOnKeyPressed, getOnKeyReleased, getOnKeyTyped, getOnMouseClicked, getOnMouseDragEntered, getOnMouseDragExited, getOnMouseDragged, getOnMouseDragOver, getOnMouseDragReleased, getOnMouseEntered, getOnMouseExited, getOnMouseMoved, getOnMousePressed, getOnMouseReleased, getOnRotate, getOnRotationFinished, getOnRotationStarted, getOnScroll, getOnScrollFinished, getOnScrollStarted, getOnSwipeDown, getOnSwipeLeft, getOnSwipeRight, getOnSwipeUp, getOnTouchMoved, getOnTouchPressed, getOnTouchReleased, getOnTouchStationary, getOnZoom, getOnZoomFinished, getOnZoomStarted, getOpacity, getParent, getProperties, getPseudoClassStates, getRotate, getRotationAxis, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScaleZ, getScene, getStyle, getStyleableParent, getStyleClass, getTransforms, getTranslateX, getTranslateY, getTranslateZ, getTypeSelector, getUserData, getViewOrder, hasProperties, hoverProperty, idProperty, inputMethodRequestsProperty, intersects, intersects, isCache, isDisable, isDisabled, isFocused, isFocusTraversable, isHover, isManaged, isMouseTransparent, isPickOnBounds, isPressed, isVisible, layoutBoundsProperty, layoutXProperty, layoutYProperty, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParentTransformProperty, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToSceneTransformProperty, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, lookup, lookupAll, managedProperty, mouseTransparentProperty, nodeOrientationProperty, notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged, onContextMenuRequestedProperty, onDragDetectedProperty, onDragDoneProperty, onDragDroppedProperty, onDragEnteredProperty, onDragExitedProperty, onDragOverProperty, onInputMethodTextChangedProperty, onKeyPressedProperty, onKeyReleasedProperty, onKeyTypedProperty, onMouseClickedProperty, onMouseDragEnteredProperty, onMouseDragExitedProperty, onMouseDraggedProperty, onMouseDragOverProperty, onMouseDragReleasedProperty, onMouseEnteredProperty, onMouseExitedProperty, onMouseMovedProperty, onMousePressedProperty, onMouseReleasedProperty, onRotateProperty, onRotationFinishedProperty, onRotationStartedProperty, onScrollFinishedProperty, onScrollProperty, onScrollStartedProperty, onSwipeDownProperty, onSwipeLeftProperty, onSwipeRightProperty, onSwipeUpProperty, onTouchMovedProperty, onTouchPressedProperty, onTouchReleasedProperty, onTouchStationaryProperty, onZoomFinishedProperty, onZoomProperty, onZoomStartedProperty, opacityProperty, parentProperty, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, pickOnBoundsProperty, pressedProperty, pseudoClassStateChanged, queryAccessibleAttribute, relocate, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, requestFocus, resizeRelocate, rotateProperty, rotationAxisProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, scaleZProperty, sceneProperty, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, setAccessibleHelp, setAccessibleRole, setAccessibleRoleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBlendMode, setCache, setCacheHint, setClip, setCursor, setDepthTest, setDisable, setDisabled, setEffect, setEventDispatcher, setEventHandler, setFocused, setFocusTraversable, setHover, setId, setInputMethodRequests, setLayoutX, setLayoutY, setManaged, setMouseTransparent, setNodeOrientation, setOnContextMenuRequested, setOnDragDetected, setOnDragDone, setOnDragDropped, setOnDragEntered, setOnDragExited, setOnDragOver, setOnInputMethodTextChanged, setOnKeyPressed, setOnKeyReleased, setOnKeyTyped, setOnMouseClicked, setOnMouseDragEntered, setOnMouseDragExited, setOnMouseDragged, setOnMouseDragOver, setOnMouseDragReleased, setOnMouseEntered, setOnMouseExited, setOnMouseMoved, setOnMousePressed, setOnMouseReleased, setOnRotate, setOnRotationFinished, setOnRotationStarted, setOnScroll, setOnScrollFinished, setOnScrollStarted, setOnSwipeDown, setOnSwipeLeft, setOnSwipeRight, setOnSwipeUp, setOnTouchMoved, setOnTouchPressed, setOnTouchReleased, setOnTouchStationary, setOnZoom, setOnZoomFinished, setOnZoomStarted, setOpacity, setPickOnBounds, setPressed, setRotate, setRotationAxis, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScaleZ, setStyle, setTranslateX, setTranslateY, setTranslateZ, setUserData, setViewOrder, setVisible, snapshot, snapshot, startDragAndDrop, startFullDrag, styleProperty, toBack, toFront, toString, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, translateZProperty, usesMirroring, viewOrderProperty, visibleProperty
Methods declared in class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods declared in interface javafx.css.Styleable
Property Details
The minimum value represented by thisScrollBar
. This should be a value less than or equal tomax
. Default value is 0.- See Also:
The maximum value represented by thisScrollBar
. This should be a value greater than or equal tomin
. Default value is 100.- See Also:
The current value represented by thisScrollBar
. This value should be betweenmin
, inclusive.- See Also:
- See Also:
- See Also:
The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is clicked.- See Also:
Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.- See Also:
Constructor Details
public ScrollBar()Creates a new horizontal ScrollBar (ie getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL).
Method Details
public final void setMin(double value) Sets the value of the property min.- Property description:
- The minimum value represented by this
. This should be a value less than or equal tomax
. Default value is 0.
public final double getMin()Gets the value of the property min.- Property description:
- The minimum value represented by this
. This should be a value less than or equal tomax
. Default value is 0.
The minimum value represented by thisScrollBar
. This should be a value less than or equal tomax
. Default value is 0.- See Also:
public final void setMax(double value) Sets the value of the property max.- Property description:
- The maximum value represented by this
. This should be a value greater than or equal tomin
. Default value is 100.
public final double getMax()Gets the value of the property max.- Property description:
- The maximum value represented by this
. This should be a value greater than or equal tomin
. Default value is 100.
The maximum value represented by thisScrollBar
. This should be a value greater than or equal tomin
. Default value is 100.- See Also:
public final void setValue(double value) Sets the value of the property value. -
public final double getValue()Gets the value of the property value. -
The current value represented by thisScrollBar
. This value should be betweenmin
, inclusive.- See Also:
Sets the value of the property orientation.- Property description:
- The orientation of the
can either beHORIZONTAL
Gets the value of the property orientation.- Property description:
- The orientation of the
can either beHORIZONTAL
- See Also:
public final void setUnitIncrement(double value) Sets the value of the property unitIncrement. -
public final double getUnitIncrement()Gets the value of the property unitIncrement. -
- See Also:
public final void setBlockIncrement(double value) Sets the value of the property blockIncrement.- Property description:
- The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is clicked.
public final double getBlockIncrement()Gets the value of the property blockIncrement.- Property description:
- The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is clicked.
The amount by which to adjust the scrollbar if the track of the bar is clicked.- See Also:
public final void setVisibleAmount(double value) Sets the value of the property visibleAmount.- Property description:
- Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.
public final double getVisibleAmount()Gets the value of the property visibleAmount.- Property description:
- Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.
Visible amount of the scrollbar's range, typically represented by the size of the scroll bar's thumb.- See Also:
public void adjustValue(double position) Adjusts thevalue
property byblockIncrement
. Theposition
is the fractional amount between themin
. For example, it might be 50%. If#minProperty min
were 0 and#maxProperty max
were 100 andvalue
were 25, then a position of .5 would indicate that we should incrementvalue
. Ifvalue
were 75, then a position of .5 would indicate that we should decrementvalue
. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins or Behaviors. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.- Parameters:
- the position
public void increment()Increments the value of theScrollBar
by theunitIncrement
public void decrement()Decrements the value of theScrollBar
by theunitIncrement
Gets theCssMetaData
associated with this class, which may include theCssMetaData
of its superclasses.- Returns:
- the
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Gets the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties.- Overrides:
in classControl
- Returns:
- the unmodifiable list of the control's CSS-styleable properties
- Since:
- JavaFX 8.0
Returns the initial focus traversable state of this control, for use by the JavaFX CSS engine to correctly set its initial value. This method is overridden as by default UI controls have focus traversable set to true, but that is not appropriate for this control.- Overrides:
in classControl
- Returns:
- the initial focus traversable state of this control
- Since:
- 9