Uses of Class

Packages that use MouseButton
Package Description
Provides the set of classes for mouse and keyboard input event handling.
Provides API for simulating user interaction such as typing keys on the keyboard and using the mouse.
  • Uses of MouseButton in javafx.scene.input

    Methods in javafx.scene.input that return MouseButton
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    MouseButton MouseEvent.getButton()
    Which, if any, of the mouse buttons is responsible for this event.
    static MouseButton MouseButton.valueOf​(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static MouseButton[] MouseButton.values()
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
    Constructors in javafx.scene.input with parameters of type MouseButton
    Constructor Description
    MouseDragEvent​(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event.
    MouseDragEvent​(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event.
    MouseDragEvent​(EventType<MouseDragEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, PickResult pickResult, Object gestureSource)
    Constructs new MouseDragEvent event with null source and target.
    MouseEvent​(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event.
    MouseEvent​(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event.
    MouseEvent​(EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean backButtonDown, boolean forwardButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event with null source and target.
    MouseEvent​(EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
    Constructs new MouseEvent event with null source and target.
  • Uses of MouseButton in javafx.scene.robot

    Methods in javafx.scene.robot with parameters of type MouseButton
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void Robot.mouseClick​(MouseButton... buttons)
    Clicks the specified MouseButtons.
    void Robot.mousePress​(MouseButton... buttons)
    Presses the specified MouseButtons.
    void Robot.mouseRelease​(MouseButton... buttons)
    Releases the specified MouseButtons.