Class Blend


public class Blend
extends Effect
An effect that blends the two inputs together using one of the pre-defined BlendModes.


 Blend blend = new Blend();

 ColorInput colorInput = new ColorInput();


 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
 Stop[] stops = new Stop[]{new Stop(0, Color.LIGHTSTEELBLUE), new Stop(1, Color.PALEGREEN)};
 LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0.25, 0.25, true, CycleMethod.REFLECT, stops);

 Text text = new Text();
 text.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 30));

 Group g = new Group();
 g.getChildren().addAll(rect, text);

The code above produces the following:

The visual effect of blending color,
 gradient and text

JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Details

    • mode

      public final ObjectProperty<BlendMode> modeProperty
      The BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: BlendMode.SRC_OVER
        Identity: n/a
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getMode(), setMode(BlendMode)
    • opacity

      public final DoubleProperty opacityProperty
      The opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior to blending.
             Min: 0.0
             Max: 1.0
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOpacity(), setOpacity(double)
    • bottomInput

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> bottomInputProperty
      The bottom input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getBottomInput(), setBottomInput(Effect)
    • topInput

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> topInputProperty
      The top input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getTopInput(), setTopInput(Effect)
  • Constructor Details

    • Blend

      public Blend()
      Creates a new instance of Blend with default parameters.
    • Blend

      public Blend​(BlendMode mode)
      Creates a new instance of Blend with the specified mode.
      mode - the BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together
      JavaFX 2.1
    • Blend

      public Blend​(BlendMode mode, Effect bottomInput, Effect topInput)
      Creates a new instance of Blend with the specified mode and bottom and top inputs.
      mode - the BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together
      bottomInput - the bottom input for this Blend operation
      topInput - the top input for this Blend operation
      JavaFX 2.1
  • Method Details

    • setMode

      public final void setMode​(BlendMode value)
      Sets the value of the property mode.
      Property description:
      The BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: BlendMode.SRC_OVER
        Identity: n/a
      Default value:
    • getMode

      public final BlendMode getMode()
      Gets the value of the property mode.
      Property description:
      The BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: BlendMode.SRC_OVER
        Identity: n/a
      Default value:
    • modeProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<BlendMode> modeProperty()
      The BlendMode used to blend the two inputs together.
             Min: n/a
             Max: n/a
         Default: BlendMode.SRC_OVER
        Identity: n/a
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getMode(), setMode(BlendMode)
    • setOpacity

      public final void setOpacity​(double value)
      Sets the value of the property opacity.
      Property description:
      The opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior to blending.
             Min: 0.0
             Max: 1.0
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • getOpacity

      public final double getOpacity()
      Gets the value of the property opacity.
      Property description:
      The opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior to blending.
             Min: 0.0
             Max: 1.0
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
    • opacityProperty

      public final DoubleProperty opacityProperty()
      The opacity value, which is modulated with the top input prior to blending.
             Min: 0.0
             Max: 1.0
         Default: 1.0
        Identity: 1.0
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getOpacity(), setOpacity(double)
    • setBottomInput

      public final void setBottomInput​(Effect value)
      Sets the value of the property bottomInput.
      Property description:
      The bottom input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • getBottomInput

      public final Effect getBottomInput()
      Gets the value of the property bottomInput.
      Property description:
      The bottom input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • bottomInputProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> bottomInputProperty()
      The bottom input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getBottomInput(), setBottomInput(Effect)
    • setTopInput

      public final void setTopInput​(Effect value)
      Sets the value of the property topInput.
      Property description:
      The top input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • getTopInput

      public final Effect getTopInput()
      Gets the value of the property topInput.
      Property description:
      The top input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
    • topInputProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Effect> topInputProperty()
      The top input for this Blend operation. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
      Default value:
      See Also:
      getTopInput(), setTopInput(Effect)